Fast Glycan Labeling and Analysis Kit

The Fast Glycan Labeling and Analysis kit is designed for use on the PA 800 Plus and is used to rapidly label glycoprotein released N-Glycans with APTS followed by the effective removal of the excess dye using a magnetic bead-based clean-up.  The labeled glycans are separated by high-resolution capillary electrophoresis utilizing laser-induced flourescence (LIF) detection and the HR-NCHO separation gel.  Glycan identification is determined based on their normalized electrophoretic mobility referenced against pre-determined GU values using the appropriate bracketing standard. This kit provides reagent volumes for analysis of 100 samples and includes: • M1, 22 mL • D1, 0.05 mL x 5 vials • D2, 250mM/50 µL dried x 5 vials • D3, 1.5 mL x 1 vial • D4, 1.5 mL x 2 vials • L5, 5 mg x 1 vial • L6, 5 mg x 5 vials • GU Ladder, 5 mg x 1 vial • IST (Internal Standard), 5 mg x 1 vial • BST (Bracketing Standard), 10 pmol x 1 vial • HR-NCHO Separation Gel, 56ml • Magnetic Separator, 1 unit • Pre-Assembled Cartridge (P/N A55625), 1 unit

2.758,36 €

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